Basic Safety (equivalent to BeSaCC-SCC-SCT-VCA) Courses

No preliminary training required. However, the level of the student will determine the duration of the course.
Each module treats specific dangers and preventative measures.

Both course and test are composed of the following modules:

  • Safety and risks
  • Working conditions and legislation
  • Risks and the workplace
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Tools, machines and hoisting equipment
  • Hazardous materials
  • Fire and explosions
  • Electricity
  • Enclosed spaces
  • Working at heights
The candidate uses the computer as an aid. They can go over the material by themselves. The modules were carefully composed and end with a self test so the candidate will know if he masters the material.
Provex offers an interactive programme named Telecoach©, which can function both through the internet and through a cd-rom. It requires a Windows PC equipped with a sound card and speakers or headphones.
Once the candidate has completed all the modules he can print a few tests from cd-rom or the internet. This way the candidate can experience how the official test will go.
  • 4 to 20 hours; depending on the level, discipline and interest of the participant
Provex has developed a full-colour instruction manual which has already successfully prepared many candidates for the test. The book is highly suited for self-tuition; but can also be used together with the e-learning environment or in a class environment.
  • 4 to 20 hours; depending on the level and interest of the participant
Provex does not employ any teachers but can act as an intermediary. The basic assumption is that the candidates must be prepared efficiently for their tests. Teachers working for Provex use the materials developed by Provex. They all have ample experience at providing training in the field of safety.
  • Full course: 2 days
  • Refresher course for those already certified (because of expiration of certificate):  1 day