Constructor/Test developers Measuring and assessment instruments

Measuring instruments are instruments to measure the knowledge, skills and/or attitude of a candidate with.
Assessment instruments are instruments which can be used to observe and record the performance of a candidate by one ore more assessors with the intention of rating it.
An educational or exam institute must make sure its assessment instruments are valid and reliable and constructed in an independent way. 
The Constructor measuring and assessment instruments functions at an educational or exam institute commissioned by the exam committee and/or assessment committee or takes action by himself. The constructor is expected to be able to develop proper measuring and assessment instruments, that can be deployed at intake, progress and conclusion, both separately and as a coherent whole.
The Constructor measuring and assessment instruments’ tasks are:
constructing good measuring and assessment instruments in a test-technical sense, that lead to a sound assessment decision with regard to the persons concerned.
Target group
The course Constructor measuring and assessment instruments is meant for persons who construct measuring and assessment instruments. The intended result of the course/training is that the Constructor measuring and assessment instruments complies with the skill requirements.